Sunday, August 12, 2012


Do you ever mull over your name in your head?
Do you ever do it so intensely, and in so focused of a manner on the phonetics and the physical appearance of it on paper that it becomes almost alien in your mind?
Does it become a stand-alone concept that you suddenly have an outside view upon, as if you are a stranger with no name looking down upon it?
Does it strike you how bizarre and wonderful it is that we use odd combinations of sounds to create a unique mark to identify you?

Maybe I'm just crazy.

If not with your name, then how about other words? Even one as simple as shoe. Think about it. Focus on the word. Give a half-minute or so.


Is it weird yet?

God's Word says that He holds our names in the palm of His hand. (Is. 49:16) Whaaaaaat? The creator of the universe as we know it holding us. Why? Why would He want to hold insecure, messed up people like us, who are only going to turn around and repeatedly disappoint Him?

I guess the only answer that would make sense is that He loves us. Like, a ton. Enough that He decided to send Jesus to die for us, so that when we turn around and do something that hurts Him, it's paid for already. (John 3:16, Rom. 3:23-24, Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 6:23, 1 John 2:2)

Wowzer. I don't get love like that. But it's the kind of love He wants me to have for people, even the ones that annoy me, or hurt me. It's the kind of love that can seriously do some damage in this world (good damage. If that's even possible :P).

He wants YOU. As weird or messed up as the person behind your name may be. In view of this, all I can really say is


And maybe drool a little bit, and possibly scratch my head in bewilderment. Pardon me while I go get a mop to clean up my saliva.

1 comment:

  1. There is actually a book series in which prisoners are brain washed of any previous loyalty by being forced to repeat their name until it becomes meaningless to them. Good if slightly effervescent description of God's Grace.
