Monday, April 2, 2012


So. Somehow I've managed to coerce you into reading this thing. I figure I'm pretty good at expressing my views on paper, but not so good at the words-coming-out-of-my-mouth thing. So I'll stick one of these up for your enjoyment every once in a while.
I never quite saw myself as the bloggin' type, but after reading Owl City's blog and that of my good friend Maeve I figured I'd give it a go.

(Go give 'em a read. They're both pretty stinking awesome)
Owl City (Adam Young):

Just for kicks and giggles, here's a list I spewed out the other day. Entitled: Things I Love. Yes, it totally sounds like something a first grader would write, but I wrote it anyway. (Heck, if you're going to read this you may as well know some of the stuff that makes me happy)

The sound fingers make when they slide across guitar strings
Spending time with God on a chilly morning
Running in the rain
Playing Soccer
The smell/feel of freshly washed sheets
The feeling you get after a long run
Feeling God’s love when I need comfort the most
Fast Breaks
Things that explode
Playing strange video games with my family
My Family
My Mama
My Da
My little brother who’s not actually little
My little sister and brother who are both actually little
My dogs
The smell of my grandparents' house
The fort in their backyard
My grandpa's pachinko machine
My grandparents
Dogs in general
Coffee on a snowy Saturday
The snow
Back scratches
When someone plays with my hair
A good sneeze
Crying my face off when I need to get it out
Doing well on a test
The smell outside after a rain
Playing in the snow
Sweating while working hard on something
Painting walls. The mess, the smell, the social time, all of it.
Doing things with friends who are as weird as you are.
Running down hallways
Climbing things
Red rock country in Southern Utah
New socks
The part of the haircut when they use the buzzer on the back of my neck
Gettin' all twitterpated
Confiding in my dog
Mountain lakes
The kind of green you can only find if you go to a pine forest
Campfire smell
Finding God when I least expect it
The sky
Huge, angry thunderheads
The way a new book smells
Soft towels
Exploring mountainous areas
Aloe on sunburned skin
Hugs. Real ones, not awkward/wimpy ones.
Making people laugh
Laughing at other people’s jokes
Yelling my head off at a sporting event
Playing baseball
Mountain Biking
Skiing with people you love to be around
Spring skiing
Skiing in a blizzard
Sleeping after a hard day of skiing
Swing dancing
Having something to smile about
The psalms
The bright pink in a sunset
The vast, electric blue in a deep lake, the kind that you can stare at for a long time and not get bored
Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
Thought-provoking song lyrics
12 string guitars
Putting balloons under car tires to make the driver think something in the car broke
The word 'Onomatopoeia'

Onoooomatopoeia. Savor that puppy. That was kind of lengthy-ish and I'm sure you didn't read the whole thing (given the cheesy title) but there you have it. This whole blog thang is still really odd. I can literally talk about whatever I want to and no one can tell me otherwise!
So. There's me. In a large-ish nutshell. Maybe it's a genetically enhanced walnut shell or something...


  1. My God we're not on the list. So be it, life has its up's and downs.

    1. Oh my goodness! Hold on, Ima fix it. I threw that thing together in all of 5 minutes.

  2. what the fish? that was awesome. :)Onomatopoeia = absolutely wonderful. Comic books wouldn't be nearly as cool without it.
