This is my take on the things you do that
Also, the things you do that are sooper awesome.
And make us stare. And stuff.
Basically, what you should and should not do if you want to communicate with the fellas.
I'm going to start with the things that are annoying, because complaining is fun.
These sunglasses:
make you look like a deranged insect.
Wearing perfume.
Speaking of perfume, don't wear too much. Just a dab to make you smell like God's flower garden is plenty. If you're not sure if you put on too much, take a look behind you after you pass a group of people every once in a while. If they're crawling on the ground with disheveled skin, gasping for air with bone dry lips and rasping lungs, you're doing it wrong.
Not all guys agree on this, so don't take my word for it, but I think it's awesome when a girl's comfortable with not wearing makeup every once in a while. To me, that speaks volumes of her character, which, quite honestly, is waaay hotter than 5 pounds of Maybelline's Fake Tan Foundation.
The duck face, for the last time, is not cute. It makes your attractiveness degenerate in the Honey Boo Boo direction.
Being exceptionally giggly and ditzy isn't cute. Some guys think so, but I don't. The general population seems to agree with me. Again, my word isn't law. Just watch the spazzy hyena level.
Not all girls are like this, but the gals who don't like getting their picture taken because she says she's "ugly" confuses me to no end. Nobody, I guarantee you, is going to look at that picture and go "Ig. She's ugly. She needs to fix her makeup and make sure that stray hair is tucked behind her ear. And that fleck of dust, my word, she looks like a hobo."
Now for the good.
There's something about the way a girl thinks, the range of people she notices and takes time to care for, that is really intriguing and fascinating to a guy. A girl, in general, absorbs more than the average guy, and the things it does mixed with a selfless character is very, very attractive.
When a girl takes the time to ask a guy a question, or smile at him, or give him a hug, it's like hitting him with a ton of bricks. It'll tell him a lot. Ladies, we're simple creatures, and we respond to direct attention. If you play hard to get, we'll assume you're giving us the cold shoulder. You don't have to initiate everything, but if you show some interest in a guy he will assume that you like him. Refusing to talk to a guy because you don't want to draw him in too much can sometimes be a rational measure, but not if you want to catch his attention.
We like smiles. Lots. Even if they're not directed at us.
Willingness to try new things is really attractive. Why? It reveals a sense of adventure. It's okay to let us know you're scared, and if something's really scary we don't think you're lame by backing out, but if you partake in things we know you're uncomfortable with on occasion it's really really awesome. It tells us that you're confident, spontaneous, and willing to do new things. Which means, probably, that you're better at working through hard stuff.
It's nice when girls don't whine too much about their problems. Sharing them with a male confidante for comfort is one thing, whining is another. What's nice and really cool is when a girl shares her problems openly and honestly (within reason) and sincerely asks for prayer.
If you're a Christian, I urge you to be transparent. Silence is better than fake holiness. Speak when you are led, and act out of a desire to honor God and not yourself (isn't that the point of being a Christian, anyway?) A woman on fire for God is super attractive to a guy on fire for God.
Playing with little kids (and liking it) is pretty dang attractive.
To cap the list (I hate to use a cliche), but be yourself. Ick. I'm pulling out the thesaurus.
Exist in uniqueness.
March to the beat of your own djembe.
Exude your own chi.
Ignore external pressures to alter your personality for the sake of the moment.
You get the idea. If you think guys go for a different kind of personality than yours so you change your behavior, you're doing it wrong. If you do that, and end up marrying a guy that dated you for a person that didn't exist, either he is going to be surprised when you aren't who you acted as before, or you're going to be miserable with your mask for the rest of your life. Wait for the guy that loves the good in you, and is willing to crunch through the bad. Not the one you think you can reel in with the right behavior.
Hopefully this has been helpful. Questions and comments are welcome. :)